At Eugin we want you to fulfil your dream of becoming parents2024-05-08T16:28:01+00:00

Future Mum and Dad

If you have got this far, you have travelled the most difficult part of the road. Often, it isn’t easy to realize that help is needed. Now you are no longer alone. Our experience and our medical team will accompany you to the end. Here you can find testimonials from other couples who were in your situation and the techniques we use for patients like you.

Testimonials from mums and dads

They will tell you everything you wish to know. We hope that soon other mums and dads will be able to read your testimonial here.

We had been late to start trying. When we saw that we were not capable of achieving it on our own, we looked for help. At Eugin, they made us feel comfortable and they conveyed calm from the very first moment. Today, our dream has come true and he’s called Adrien.

David and Patricia

I didn’t know if the problem was his or mine. What was clear to us was that the solution was ours. Ours and Eugin’s. Thanks to their team, we discovered that, despite the good state of health, the amount of sperm wasn’t ideal, so we were advised to undergo in vitro fertilization using my own eggs and my partner’s sperm. That was six months ago. Now, we are four months’ pregnant!

Bridget and Adam

We’d been trying for several months, and we began to notice that something wasn’t right. We didn’t know what it was, but it wasn’t normal that we were finding it so difficult. At Eugin, we were offered In Vitro Fertilization with our own eggs and using partner sperm as the best option for our situation. The proof that they were right is our little one, Emma.

James and Claire

We’d been trying for several months, and we began to notice that something wasn’t right. We didn’t know what it was, but it wasn’t normal that we were finding it so difficult. At Eugin, we were offered In Vitro Fertilization with our own eggs and using partner sperm as the best option for our situation. The proof that they were right is our little one, Emma.

James and Claire

We had been late to start trying. When we saw that we were not capable of achieving it on our own, we looked for help. At Eugin, they made us feel comfortable and they conveyed calm from the very first moment. Today, our dream has come true and he’s called Adrien.

David and Patricia

I didn’t know if the problem was his or mine. What was clear to us was that the solution was ours. Ours and Eugin’s. Thanks to their team, we discovered that, despite the good state of health, the amount of sperm wasn’t ideal, so we were advised to undergo in vitro fertilization using my own eggs and my partner’s sperm. That was six months ago. Now, we are four months’ pregnant!

Bridget and Adam

«Testimonials based on opinions of real patients of Eugin»

Our treatments for you

Although the choice of treatment depends on factors such as your age or your medical history, these are the treatments we use in cases like yours.


IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) with own eggs

and partner sperm

With this technique, we extract the eggs and fertilize them with the partner’s sperm.


IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) with own eggs

and donor sperm

In this laboratory technique, we fertilize the eggs with the sperm of an anonymous donor.


IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) with donor eggs

and the partner sperm

This technique offers the greatest chance of success. In this one, we fertilize eggs from an anonymous donor with the partner’s sperm.


IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) with donor eggs

and donor sperm

In this laboratory technique, we fertilize the eggs of a donor with the sperm of a donor, both of whom are anonymous.


Artificial Insemination

with partner sperm

We select the partner’s sperm and insert them, at the ideal moment, into the uterus.


Artificial Insemination

with donor sperm

With this technique, we insert the sperm of an anonymous donor into the uterus.

Psychological support

On the road to motherhood, emotions are very present. That’s why at Eugin, our team will give you the emotional support you need at all times.


Our psychological consulting service works together with our team of healthcare professionals so that they can offer you the support you need. You can ask them whatever you want.


The road you’re going to take, we have taken many times. We know every bump, difficulty, each uphill struggle and also the downhill ones, so we will go forward together offering everything you need.


In our forum, you can share your experience with other women in the same situation as you. You will also find our professional team there for the more technical questions.


Our psychological consulting service works together with our team of healthcare professionals so that they can offer you the support you need. You can ask them whatever you want.


The road you’re going to take, we have taken many times. We know every bump, difficulty, each uphill struggle and also the downhill ones, so we will go forward together offering everything you need.


In our forum you can share your experience with other women in the same situation as you. You will also find our professional team there for the more technical questions.

Future Mums and Dads’ frequent doubts

If you have questions, don’t worry. It’s normal. Here you will find answers. And if you don’t, then contact our team. There are no questions that they cannot deal with.

What is In Vitro Fertilization like for those couples who don’t live near Eugin?

The In Vitro Fertilization-ICSI cycle is carried out in a coordinated way between the gynaecologist or the sonographer of the couple’s city of residence and Eugin Clinic.

What is ovarian stimulation like in an assisted reproduction treatment?

After the first visit, the doctor will give you a written and detailed protocol with all the instructions so that you know how it works. During your stimulation cycle, you will be in telephone contact with the coordination team on a regular basis.

Do you have a question that can’t wait?

Request an appointment with our team or ask our experts.

Request an appointment

Do you have a question that can’t wait?

Request an appointment with our team or ask our experts.

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